Like I said, heading out was just gorgeous. Couldn't ask for a better day for riding. I did bring what cold weather gear I had, just in case. In this case, it's a Lands End jacket and my waterproof / cold weather gloves by Shift. Didn't end up needing the gloves, but I was glad to have the jacket.
I thought about heading up the canyon out of Wallsburg to get to Daniel's Summit, but decided that I was hungry enough I'd just take the pavement through Heber City. A hearty lunch in Daniel's Summit, and I was off.

Yes indeedy. First thing on the trail from Daniel's Summit, and a couple cowboys and their vast herd of sheep were covering much of (and around) the road. Ha. From this picture, it's hard to make them out, but they're there in the trees, mocking you. There were just tons of these little guys. Fortunately the cowboys had the help of a few very competent dogs to keep the herd doing what it was supposed to.

Headed south toward Buck Springs instead of west towards Big Glade. Was nice to be on a new road. Up until this point, it was awesome hard-packed dirt. Few rocks. Just perfect for opening her up and just romping all over the place. Good stuff.

Aye, that be what that white stuff is. Wasn't concerned at this point. It was off the road, so I wasn't interested. I had forgotten, though, that we got TONS of rain down in the valley over the weekend. This equated to snow in the mountains, and lots of runoff. Mud, slush, ice. You name it.

This is the point I started to reconsider my choice of trails. Fortunately, it was just warm enough to keep the top layer mushy in spots, which is the only thing that allowed me to get any type of traction. Unfortunately, many ATVs and 4x4 trucks out here carrying hunters had really packed down the main tracks. I took it very slow and was able to cross this and other icy areas without incident. How slow is very slow? Feathering first gear just enough to keep the back tire moving. My feet were used as "training wheels" the duration, also. It was like wearing skis. This would be the first (and last) icy spot. Some were worse. Others were much worse.

Fortunately once off the nice smoth, hardpack, there wasn't really many places for the snow to gather on the road. At this point I'm back on the nasty, rocky stuff, but happily there was no snow to be found. There was a good bit of mud, though.

This pic reminds me of one I took on a previous ride, from one of the other hilltops.

At the top-ish of the hills, it was like this in many spots. Nice, grabby dirt - would be a heyday for a good set of knobbies. Even my DS tires got a kick out of it. I should note, though, that I had to come through some ugly slushy, icy, muddy stuff to get to this point. Including one small hill climb that I really shouldn't have attempted with as much ice/water/mud/crap as was on it.

You'll notice on the GPS track I marked a couple road closures. These roads were where I planned to get back down off the hilltops. They were also the only way (that I knew of) to continue on my desired route. I was bummed to see the last road I know of closed off by the Forest Service. Oh well. I ended up turning around at this point as the sun was getting low enough that I knew it'd be getting colder, and I didn't want the roads to freeze up any more than they already were.
Interesting note. On the GPS tracks, you'll notice that I discovered (after the fact) using Google Earth that there ARE in fact ways down that seem to be well traveled. Unfortunately, Garmin Topo doesn't show them. And, as I said, I wasn't up to exploring that late in the day. Ironically, I was only .3 miles from one of the main junctions that would have taken me down closer to my planned route.

Not really. It's hard to see just how steep this was, though. Getting up it was a feat in... something. Balance? Luck? Traction? I grunted up the whole way in first gear. The rear tire kept trying to decide if it was going to slip on ice, mud, or slick rocks. Fortunately, it chose none of the above. There were a couple times, though...

I sure didn't miss this junk once I got out of it. Fortunately, a lot of these snow fields had nice little streams running down the middle of them where the snow was melting and flowing. The "streams" were much easier to get traction in than the actual snow pack. I'll take water + rocks over ice any day. *As long as they aren't moss covered rocks.

I ended up coming back via Big Glade and down into Wallsburg. I had wanted to stop and see this marker, anyway. Turns out there used to be a fort here.

Next to the Marker
Almost swampy looking. I didn't get a good enough pic, but on the other side of the road, there's a house. In the house's yard there were about 5 deer. They didn't seem to mind the people on the road. A nice little area, though.
I did learn a few things, though. Things like Fox Tracker boots aren't waterproof... at all. They don't claim to be, but oh well. They did keep my feet warm enough, though, even when they were wet. I'll be interested to see how they perform as it gets colder.
GPS files follow:
GPX File
Google Earth
GPS files follow:
GPX File
Google Earth